
Deploying a (Polycom MSR) Skype Room System v2 in Office 365

Introduction Skype Room System (SRS) v2 has been around a little while now, but until recently I’ve come in to contact with one. SRS can be deployed in the following ways: 100% On-Premises - The Exchange and Skype for Business user will both be hosted premises installations. More info 100% Online - The Exchange and Skype for Business user will both be hosted in Office 365. More info Hybrid - This can break down two ways:

Hotdesking with Polycom VVX

What does this mean? With the release of Polycom UCS 5.7.0 for VVX phones, you are now able to hotdesk on Polycom VVX phones in Skype for Business (On-Premise or SfBO). Previously, to simulate hotdesking, it involved the “normal” user of the phone signing out of the phone fully, the “Guest” user then signing in. To then return the original state the “Guest” user would have to sign out and the “normal” user having to sign back in by re-entering their details again (if they are known).